Practice Policies

Cancellation Policy

Please remember to cancel or reschedule 24 hours in advance. You will be responsible for the $100 if cancellation is less than 24 hours which would be considered as a late cancellation. This is necessary because a time commitment is made to you and is held exclusively for you. If you are late for a session, you may lose some of that session time. Health insurance doesn’t pay for this fee. The standard meeting time for psychotherapy is 45-50 minutes per session. Requests to change the length of the session needs to be discussed in order for time to be scheduled in advance. If there are more than three late cancellations or no shows without proper notice, I reserve the right to terminate the counseling relationship. For myself, I may periodically take time off for vacation, seminars, training, unexpected emergencies, and/or illness. Attempts will be made to give adequate notice to clients for these occasions. 

Internet and Social Media Policy

I will not request to follow clients on social media. Interactions outside of therapy sessions would complicate the therapeutic relationship.

ESA Letter Policy (Emotional Support Animal)

Regarding ESA letter requests (Emotional Support Animal), my professional license requires that I have specific training in the evaluation and writing of ESA letters. I don’t have specific training pertaining to writing such letters as it is out of my scope. I can provide referrals to providers who have the training to write ESA letters when requested.

Assessments and Disability Forms

If you are initiating counseling in interest of having an FMLA (Family And Medical Leave Act)/Disability assessment completed, your clinician a) WILL NOT CONSIDER OR COMPLETE ANY ASSESSMENTS OF THIS NATURE until three counseling sessions have been completed. After the third session, your clinician will review the forms; often a Medical Doctor is required to complete such paperwork. Please consider this prior to initiating services if that is your intention. Completing paperwork may require a fee (usually $50) due to time dedicated to filling out and completing it.